Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Natural Remedies for Fall Allergy Sufferers

This time of year makes for beautiful weather, but also for a huge rise in allergy suffering. Some over-the-counter medicines may work fine, but can have bad side effects. Some cause nasal bleeding, others have “rebound effects” (where the patient must keep using the product to stay clear).

Natural remedies have been coming on strong in recent years for several reasons. They’re deemed as good as or more effective than prescriptions; they cost less, and many Americans are needlessly becoming resistant to chemicals.

Here are some natural ways to help reduce your Fall allergy effects:
  • Quercitin: This natural antihistamine is a component in fruits and vegetables. You can find it at health stores. Most people take 300mg twice a day from early Fall until the first frost.
  • Stinging Nettle: This oddly named plant extract is also a natural antihistamine used with great results. The dosage would be slightly higher than Quercitin.
  • Vitamin C: Can be taken in higher doses (1000mg) during allergy season, but reduced significantly or eliminated during the off-season.
  • Saline nasal spray: Using 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved per 1/2 cup of water just before bedtime as a nasal wash can significantly reduce your “morning stuffiness”.
  • HEPA filtration is the most efficient form of heating and air conditioning filtration that still allows good airflow. (Call us to get one in your size). You can also get them for your vacuum cleaner.
  • Avoid overuse of moth cakes, scented candles. These can release a high degree of chemicals known to trigger allergies.
  • Radon is still highly dangerous. Many people thought the “scam” of Radon negated the need for detection. Radon fears have plummeted, however, Radon is carcinogenic (causes cancer) and quite prevalent. You may have it checked by a home professional very easily. Web help:
  • Weird Science: Emptying the dishwasher can trigger allergies. It can release chemicals through volatilization. If you find yourself sensitive to this, run your stove fan while emptying (or make your spouse do it!)
  • Duct Sealing or Cleaning is about the most natural thing you can do! Simply having clean air in your home can rid you of the source of your aggravation. Call us or fill out the form below to help you or to get more information on this service. (You may not need any medication)!
Contact us for an Indoor Air Quality Review. We’ll review your entire air delivery system. Plus, we’ll also electronically test for Carbon Monoxide (CO) to spot this odorless, colorless killer. (This test alone is worth calling us now.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this blog. I need those natural remedy to cure an allergy, because some prescribed medicine are no effect to cure it.

    allergy natural remedies


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