Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is Your Air Conditioner Trying to Hit the Snooze Button?

After a long hibernation, most of us would wake up slowly. Your air conditioning system could be feeling the same way. In fact, it could sputter in protest at the first sign of a warm day. But basically, all it’s probably trying to tell you is that it just needs a little care after all those months of neglect.

These “wake up” calls are the most important services we provide to customers - because that’s how we get you ready and prepared for those warm summer days. If your air conditioner could say “thank you” for the service, it probably would, but you’ll just have to feel the gratitude in the smooth cooling it provides.

In the meantime, if you’ve been wondering what’s on your air conditioner’s mind, this brief, helpful letter could make it pretty clear.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to Shine a Little Light on a Dark Night

Spring storms aren’t always predictable. You don’t exactly know when you’ll lose power and not be able to cook, keep your refrigerator working, stay comfortable or find your way in the dark. That’s why a lot of homeowners create a backup plan. They make the fairly small investment in a home generator to save themselves a lot of trouble later on.

Have you wondered about getting a generator for your home? If so, how do you decide which one is right for you? And how do you safely operate a generator? These are big questions, and we can help you get started on the answers.

If you’d like to learn more about selecting and operating home generators, take a look at our free report: More Power Outages to Come?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What's the Deal with All These Allergies?

Breathing is the most natural, normal thing in the world. Yet, for some people, it’s not as easy as it looks. Allergies kick in, and suddenly a pretty spring day becomes a nuisance for all the pollen it’s producing.

Unfortunately, staying indoors doesn’t always provide relief. And that’s because of all the germs that got trapped inside in winter, the dirt and pet dander the furry ones bring in, the cooking smoke that billows up at dinner time, not to mention the household products that come out during your rash of spring cleaning.

It’s enough to make you sneeze and snort your way through the day. Still, there’s a way we can help. No, we’re not physicians, but we do know a thing or two about indoor air… and we’d be glad to share that info with you. Take a look.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Is Your Home Trying to Tell You Something?

Sometimes you can hear little noises that tell you your home has a concern to address. You know, something like the drip, drip, drip of a faucet that says "fix me." Or the sound of wind that's coming through a crack that should be patched.

Spring is a good time to walk through your home just to "look and listen" to the maintenance issues that cropped up over the winter months. That way you’ll know what needs tending to.

Along those same lines, be sure to add your home comfort system to your maintenance list. Routine maintenance is one of the most practical ways you can preserve the life of your system and preserve your pocketbook at the same time. Maintained systems run more efficiently, which saves you money.

What else should your maintenance tour include? For ideas, take a look at our free report, "Give Your Home a Spring Checkup," available on our Facebook Page for a limited time!