Friday, May 28, 2021

4 Health Benefits of Air Conditioning

 Air conditioning has become more than an ordinary home appliance. By purchasing an air conditioner for your home, you can create a health-friendly environment. Besides providing personal comfort, this home appliance can improve your living standards by creating a clean, healthy, and safe environment. Below is a list of the top reasons you should consider having an air conditioner installed in your home.

Reduced Risk of Dehydration and Heatstroke

Dehydration occurs due to a lack of enough water in the body. One major cause of dehydration is sweating profusely. The more you sweat, the more you increase your exposure to dehydration. On the other hand, heatstroke occurs when your body begins to overheat due to hot temperatures in the surrounding temperature. A fully functional air conditioning unit will be beneficial in keeping you cool during the hot summer months.

Reduced Allergies

Air conditioning units can help to minimize your exposure to allergens by filtering the dirty air that might contain dust mites or pollutants. Plus, it also eliminates dampness that might result in the growth of mold. Failure to replace your air filters from time to time will only result in the cycle of the same dirty air in your home. 

Provides Comfort

Every homeowner has his or her comfort zone. Some are sensitive to heat situations, while others are sensitive to cold weather. With an air conditioning unit, you can customize your surrounding environment to suit your preferences. Installing this electrical appliance improves your health status and reduces stress by eliminating any possible discomfort.

Enhances Sleep and Boosts Productivity

A refreshing environment is ideal for sleeping as it lowers both your blood pressure and heart rate. Thus, allowing you to sleep comfortably without any distraction. Lastly, a room with the perfect room temperature and fresh air contribute to boosting your productivity and your well-being. 

Contact Kent Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. to schedule a maintenance appointment for your HVAC system.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Does a Dusty House Mean HVAC Issues?

A layer of dust can even accumulate right after cleaning. Dust derives from many sources. Internally, the accumulation of dead skin flakes and pet dander creates dust. Externally, whatever is wafting into your home from the outdoors will create that annoying layer of dust. Every home is different. After about a year or so, you begin to figure out the rate at which your indoor space gathers dust. If you notice a sudden increase in dust accumulation within your home, it could be a sign of HVAC issues.


When Does Your HVAC Cause More Dust?

Two potential HVAC problems may be the cause for your dustier home.  


Starting with the simplest to fix one, when is the last time you changed your HVAC filter? The air filter is responsible for catching dust, debris, and allergens during intake before anything can travel into the system. However, as the filter gets dirtier, it becomes less efficient at this job. Instead, the filter is so full of dust that dusty air is all it can get, so it pumps it into your home. 


Solution: Professional HVAC companies and air quality associations recommend changing your filter every three months or even just every heating and cooling season change if you are forgetful.


The second cause is a little more problematic. As we mentioned earlier, dusty air can come from the outdoors. If a draft is coming from your vents, you most likely have a hole or gap is somewhere inside the duct system. This unfiltered air can cause lower air quality as well as force your system to work longer because the air is not the proper temperature.


Solution: Unlike a filter, this situation requires an HVAC professional to fix it.


Contact Kent Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. to have your HVAC system evaluated and serviced. For as much time as we spend inside our homes, you must make sure your air quality stays free of extra dust, allergens, and debris.